Skeena Bakery is an Artisan Bakery & Coffee Shop in the heart of the Hazeltons, located at 4477 Highway 16 in New Hazelton. Skeena Bakery offers a variety of handmade breads, sweet treats and savouries. Come on in and enjoy a treat and some locally roasted Mercedes Beans coffee or pick up some fresh bread and baked goods.
“The mission of the Skeena Bakery is to produce outstanding natural, handcrafted bread and baked goods for our retail and wholesale customers in north western British Columbia.”

November 25, 2024 – Sliced Bread Recall
Date Found: Monday November 25th 2024
To our valued customers.
We noticed a possibility of metal specks from the bread slicer during our closing cleanup.
To ensure you are safe we ask that you DO NOT eat the sliced bread you had bought on this day. This can include the sandwiches made as they were sliced with the Bread Slicer.
Unsliced bread is unaffected and safe to eat.
We would be happy to have you bring back your sliced bread for a refund or a replacement of non-sliced bread. We will not be selling Day Old bread on Tuesday as they were sliced.
We are sorry for the inconvenience, but we want to make sure you are safe and only eating good bread.
The management of Skeena Bakery
Phone: (250)842-0010 or email:
Fall / Winter hours
Monday – Friday
8am – 4pm
We will be closed for the following day…
November 11th – Monday